dilluns, 28 de maig del 2018

My favourite Videogame

Fortnite is a video game belonging to the genre of survival and open world developed by companies Epic Games was launched independently in September 2017 for the same platforms. Like the final version of the base game, this mode presents the free model, and is based on the structure of a battle royale type game in which players will try to be the last one standing while the map gets smaller and smaller.
For some reason one day, 98% of humans on Earth suddenly disappeared, and the remaining population found the skies covered by a strange purple storm that has the property of creating a monsters called carcasses), a few human creatures similar to zombies, which attacked living people. The survivors found ways to build anti-storm shields, a field that cleared storm clouds from above, and reduced attacks on property and databases to survive all over the world. The player is a commander of one of these bases, responsible for getting out of the shield to help with resources, survivors and other allies to help expand their storm shield and find a way to return Earth to its normal state.

dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2018

An informal email

Greeting - Dear Jose

Introduction - How are you?

Body? - I want to talk with you about my exams in this year, i am better than last year, this tearm I started studying, because if i continue the same as the first term Im going to fail because i want to upper level

Conclusion - Thanks for your help

Closing - Bye my friend

P.S - Can i go tomorrow at your home?

dilluns, 5 de març del 2018

Customer Complaints

Useful language
Llenguatge útil

(Name) speaking.
(Nom) parlant.
How can / many i help you?
Com puc / molts t'ajudo?

Hold the line, please.
Esperi, sisplau
Just a moment, please.
Un moment, sisplau

Can i have your name?
Digam el teu nom siusplau?
Can i have your address?
Digam la teva adresa?

Preguntar per informació
What seems to be the problem?
Que sembla ser el problema?

I'm afraid it doesn't work properly.
 Em sembla que no funciona correctament
i guess the product is faulty.
Suposo que el producte es defectuos
i'd like to change / return the item.
M'agradaría cambiar / Torneu l'objecte
I'd like to have a refund.
M'agradaría de tindre un reemborsament

I'm sorry to hear that.
Ho sento escoltar aixo
Sorry, but that's our return policy.
Ho sento, però això es la nostra polìtica de devolució 
Thank you for being so patient.
Gracies per la teva paciència

dilluns, 12 de febrer del 2018

Technical support

Problems: Internet connection

Check that cables are properly connected.
Check that IP or network are correct.
Maybe needs to be updated.
Restart the computer or Router.

dimarts, 30 de gener del 2018

Describing a gadget

It is used for calling friends, if you want you can put the case of all colors or personalize case, this object its portable, you can also playing games, watching vídeos on Youtube, talking with friends, you can meet people and more things, it's like a computer, but this object is portable.

This object have two cameras and a little flash to take good photos, you can edit also, it is tactil, materials of this object is plastic, glass and iron, you can protect the screen with screen protec, its a good object!!!!

divendres, 26 de gener del 2018

Describing an object

+Richard: Hi grandma! i have a new toaster!
-Grandma: Really? And what is a toaster?
+Richard: Oh grandma... you don't know what a toaster is!
-Grandma: When i was young we didn't have toaster, Richard!
+Richard: Ok... I will try to describe one for you. It is rectangular, it has two holes to put the toast.
-Grandsma: What colour is it?
+Richard: my toaster is white but they're in many different colours: blue, grey,black...
-Grandma:  And why does it burn?
+Richard: It serves to toast slices of bread. A slice of bread subjected to the action of a toaster is called a toast.
-Grandma: What is it made of?
+Richard: It's made of plastic
-Grandma: And how does it work?
+Richard: Take a slice of bread and put it in the holes on top, and the electromagnetic slings make the slice of bread to make a toaster
-Grandma: Oh... Can I see it?
+Richard: Of course, grandma! Have a look!
Grandma: Wow, that's wonderful!
Resultado de imagen de tostadora

dilluns, 8 de gener del 2018

Computer Devices


Resultado de imagen de webcamWebcam

Resultado de imagen de keyboardKeyboard

Resultado de imagen de trackballTrackBall

Resultado de imagen de touchpadTouchpad


Resultado de imagen de plotterPlotter

Resultado de imagen de pendrivePendrive

Resultado de imagen de headsetHeadset

Resultado de imagen de memory cardMomery card

Resultado de imagen de DVDDVD