dimarts, 19 de desembre del 2017

What do you prefer?

Emails or letters?

I prefer emails because is easy to use and quicker to communicate,
you can write to more than one persone at the same time,
it's easy to send pictures or videos,
it's more fast to write longer text than letters,
it's more confortable than write letters....

Resultado de imagen de emails or letters Resultado de imagen de write letters

divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017

buying and selling a computer

Me: Good morning. How can I help you?
Marius: Good morning I would like to buy a tablet
Me: What type of tablet?
Marius: A samsung tablet
Me: What is the reason that you want buy a tablet?
Marius: I need it to search on internet, chat with my friends, and playing games
Me: We have this model that I think is good for you because it has a good capacity and speed.
Marius: What's the price?
Me: 200 Euros
Marius: Have you got any case with a keyboard included?
Me: Yes, of course
Marius: what colours are available?
Me: Red, blue and green
Marius: Ok, I will choose the red one
Me: Everything is 210 euros
Marius: Ok, thanks you. Bye!
Me: Bye!